In a constantly and rapidly evolving world, effectively managing daily business activities can become a huge challenge, especially when it comes to repetitive and ordinary tasks.
[Read more…]The partnership between Interzen and Microsoft is growing with the ZenShare Suite present on the two Microsoft Marketplaces
Since last April, the ZenShare Suite has been present in both the Microsoft Azure Marketplace and the AppSource Marketplace, allowing Microsoft consultants, Partners and Cloud Solution Providers to present and offer potential customers the ZenShare Suite, hosted on the flexible and reliable Cloud platform of Microsoft Azure.
[Read more…]ZenCRM, solution of Customer relationship Management, becomes an active part in the fight against hunger and poverty.
Banco Alimentare dell’Abruzzo, a non-profit organization that adheres to the national Banco Alimentare network, has chosen ZenCRM, the Customer Relationship Management solution of the ZenShare Suite, confirming the validity and above all the extreme versatility of a customer relationship management tool, designed to meet the most diverse needs and always combines technology, efficiency and ease of use.
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